Franchise Storytellers


Clean Up in the Pizza Aisle: A Few Crisis and Media Training Takeaways from the Papa John’s Mess

By on Jul 17, 2018 in News | 0 comments

As the saying goes, “The bigger they are, the harder they fall.” The sound of Papa John’s billionaire founder John Schnatter falling after his latest PR gaff was loudly heard in the media, on social media and on Wall Street. While the long-term effects are hard to predict, the brand is already recovering, at least based on its stock price.

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A Grande Crisis: Brad Ritter Quoted by Nation’s Restaurant News on Starbucks’ Social Media Hoax

By on Jan 11, 2018 in News | 0 comments

Starbucks was just about to launch its light-roast Blonde Espresso nationwide when the chain was forced into damage control over a hoax about one of its Atlanta locations. A fraudulent post by a woman pretending to be a Starbucks employee appeared on Twitter. She claimed to be tainting white people’s orders at the coffee house. The post quickly spread, and Starbucks closed the restaurant for a day

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